Helping "At Risk" Students Succeed
Grandview High School is Milwaukee’s premier "at risk" school for students in grades 9-12 who are in need of a strong support system in order to graduate from high school. We've designed our program for pupils who are at risk of not graduating from high school because they are:
One or more years behind their age group in the number of high school credits attained
Two or more years behind their age group in basic skill levels
Habitual truants
Adjudicated delinquents
- Not promoted to 9th grade based on specific examinations given in 8th grade
Our program addresses the individual and social needs of "at risk" students. To help students succeed, features of the Grandview High School program include:
Career classes
Assistance to teen parents
Dual emphasis on skill and credit recovery
Special focus is placed on helping students who have fallen behind in credits. Our program helps students get caught up on their credits through accelerated classes both in the classroom and online.
If you're willing to work hard, we'll get you to your goal. It's up to you!